This is with great joy that we can announce the official release of libzim 7.0.0.

This is one of the biggest releases we have ever made:

  • Almost one year of effort;
  • 15,000 lines of code changed;
  • Nearly 100 tickets closed;
  • Code coverage increased from 50% to 85%.

What does this new release bring?

  • A strongly rewritten new API: search engine, suggestions, creator, …
  • The most notable change is that now namespaces are “hidden” by the API
  • Ability to add hints to articles
  • New index with only the user visible/front articles
  • Backward and forward compatibility
  • For a full list of bug fixes and improvements, check our changelog.

The ZIM file format specifications themselves did not change much. A cascade of new releases will be done in the next weeks to bring all the benefits of this latest libzim both to openZIM scrapers and Kiwix readers.

We would like to send a very special “Thank you!” to the Wikimedia Foundation which has been supporting us for many years now. This hard work on a low level library like the libzim would not have been possible without their support.