2020, Android, Apple, Desktop, General, Hotspot, Kiwix JS
Tickets -be it bug reports or feature requests- are the basics of any software improvement. The lack of tickets or poorly written ones seriously impair a healthy software development. Like building a house on weak foundations, this should be avoided. Why open a...
2020, Apple, Release notes
We actually released 1.12, realized that some users were not super happy with what we thought was improved search, and made a quickfix with 1.13. Here’s what you will get with the new update(s): New article outline improvements show article title in the...
2020, Apple, Release notes
Here’s what you will get with this new update: New integration with OPDS API for library catalog refreshing Fixes: font size not applied after article is loaded snippet text color is too dark to read in dark mode sometimes the font size setting preview becomes...
2020, Apple, Release notes
Here’s what you will get with this new update: compatibility with macOS Catalina; you can now browse different articles in multiple tabs; added a side bar showing all zim files you have added to the app; And a nice little update to our dock logo 🙂 Kiwix 2.1 for...